Monday, August 9, 2010

Teriyaki Veggies

Last night I made a duel meal for the three of us. Since the bacterial levels in fish can sometimes cause an ulcerative colitis flare-up, I grilled chicken breast and halibut fillets in separate aluminum foil boats. I spread a little lite extra virgin olive oil on the bottom of the boat and added a seasoning from Micheal Geoffry that we all like. Served with basmati rice and teriyaki veggies, it made a nice meal.

Teriyaki veggies are a favorite in my house. Last night I made them with a red potato and turnip base, then added broccoli, onion, orange color green pepper, celery, apple, and pineapple. Whoa! I hear you saying. Do those veggies go together? Do I even like turnips? Give it a try and you may be pleasantly surprised.

Teriyaki Veggies

3 tbsp. canola oil
5 small red potatoes
2 medium turnips
1 medium tart apple
5 broccoli florets (about 1/2  head)
1/4 medium onion
1/2 orange colored green pepper
1 celery stalk
2 cups cubed pineapple with natural juice
6 oz lite teriyaki sauce
1/4 tsp. grated horseradish

Prepare all veggies, cut into slices, and set aside. Heat canola oil in a large frying pan. Add the potatoes and turnips. Splash with teriyaki. Cover. Cook until they are no longer crisp. (About four minutes)

Add the remaining ingredients. Toss to coat all the veggies with teriyaki sauce. Add a little more, if needed. Cover and reduce the heat. Cook for 20 minutes or until all the veggies are fork tender. Stir as needed and taste to determine the right amount of horse radish for you. As written, this is very mild.

Serve separately or over basmati rice.

Facts about turnips-

  • low calorie source of vitamin C and fiber
  • turnip greens contain large amounts of vitamin A and lutein which has been shown to help prevent macular degeneration and cardiovascular disease

Facts about potatoes-

  • excellent source of vitamin C and potassium
  • contains gutahione, a powerful antioxidant
  • potatoes are NOT bad for you

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